Thursday, September 18, 2008

How skinny is too skinny?

Last month the Montreal Gazette published an article about the president of La Maison Simons pulling their most recent catalogue publication. As you may have already heard, this decision was made based on the fact that the catalogue was featuring models that were perceived by the public as being underweight and unhealthy examples for girls and women. Simons has been able to save face by issuing an immediate and apparently sincere apology from the president, as well as halting any further distribution of the images. I have personally never seen the images in question and am curious as to how graphic they actually were. Over the last year or so we have begun to see the fashion industry beginning to denounce what for many years, was considered to be the ideal body type. Do you agree that too skinny models should be banned from runways and print ads, or do you think that the industry promoting healthy body type is just the latest trend?
If interested, you can find afore mentioned article in the August 29th edition of the Gazette.


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