It seems that a lot of female elements are coming into play in the male world these days. Guys using make-up, getting mani-pedi's, and now wearing skirts!? Next thing we know we're going to have to start talking about our feelings...Well I saw these two guys on the bottom wearing skirts a month or two ago on The Sartorialist's blog, but they didn't really seem to look too good to me. I mean the guy in the third picture looks like he just wrapped a parachute around his waist and the last guy looks like he threw on an old bed sheet or something. But then a couple days ago I come across Marc Jacobs walking out of both his Marc by Marc shows (male +female) in skirts! And boy does he make them look good. I don't know, I'm definitely not sold on wearing one myself (I don't like my legs) but I'm just shocked at how good he makes it look. Maybe it's the smile...?
Hafiz Mangalji
9/11/01 Lest We Forget
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